Chapter One :Chapter 1

Soraya’s POV

"And where do you think you're going?"

A hard shove sent my back colliding with the wall, making me cry out in pain as I slid down the wall. I looked up to find Eleanor and her clique hovering over me with menacing expressions on their faces.

I looked away as Leanora, a thick ginger-haired girl, lowered herself to me level to squeeze my mouth. I tried to fight her off but her grip on my mouth tightened, making me wince in pain.

I watched as they tipped the basket of recently washed clothes over, making me cry out as the clothes that I nearly grew a hunchback over while washing, fell on the floor.

My heart shattered as I watched them stomp all over them, their dirty feet staining the whites especially. I heard her sadistic laughter as they trampled upon them, singing curses onto my name while they hurt me.

When Eleanor was done, she ordered Leanora to let me go. She replaced Leanora in front of me and flicked my forehead with her fingers, "this is just a tip of the iceberg, Soraya. Next time you ignore us, thank your stars if you still have a tooth left in your mouth." She kicked my stomach, making me double over before strutting out, her minions following behind her.

Once they were gone, I let the tears fall. I didn't fight back and I never did because fighting back would always cause me more pain. The least I could do was silently receive the angry cursed and bullying while praying to not get beaten. The bruises always left ugly scars behind.

I quietly picked myself up from the floor, dusting my clothes while trying to muffle the groans of pain. My back was still aching but I couldn't care about it because I had the redo the laundry. My heart bleed when I recalled all those hours I spent washing them.

I gently began picking them up the floor, the tears intensifying as I saw how dirty they had become. I piled them into my basket and sighed, hating that I was going to have to start over.

You see, I was ranked amongst the lowest Omegas and that became a breeding ground for hatred and maltreatment. I was now everyone's servent, even to the serving the servants that worked for the Alpha.

I had just turned twenty and was yet to meet my wolf nor transform. Some even went as far as perceiving me to be a no-wolf Omega. But I wasn't weak per say, I was originally the daughter of the Pack's Beta, Richmond Wilthon and my life wasn't always this hellish.

Everything turned sour when my dad betrayed the pack. Till today I never really understood why he did that but I did know it cost me everything because the Luna has lost her life trying to save mine and it was something that I had to live with for the past eight years of my life. I was sentenced to a life of slavery, forced to serve everyone till I successfully achieved my transformation, according to the alpha, it was the only way for me to earn my redemption.

After I had successfully finished washing the big pile of clothes again, I put the peg on the last piece of clothing I had to hang on the ropes. I cracked my back, rubbing my sore shoulder with a small moan.

I needed to head back to my cell, the head maid would be taking a headcount soon and I couldn't afford to miss it. I'd be risking tomorrow's food if I arrived even a second later. I dropped my basket by the corner of the laundry room and hurried along.

I was heading back to my cell when I collided with a hard chest that sent me stumbling backwards. I looked up to find Ryder glaring at me with sweat clinging to his body and my first guess was that he was coming from training, judging by his outfit and appearance.

I immediately lowered my gaze, bracing myself for his abrupt punishment but after a minute of waiting and I felt nothing, I opened my eyes to peek at him from my lashes. His persistent death glare had me trembling.

Ryder was the Alpha's son and future Alpha of our pack and he was very strong, intimidating and handsome. He had soulful blue eyes and jet black hair that always appeared in messy waves. He never really said much but whenever he did, it could either make or mar you.

It was funny how we used to be friends but now we were just strangers merely existing. Our friendship died the moment it was discovered that the Luna had been collateral damage in the web of treachery my father had spun. The cold look of undiluted disgust whenever we happened to cross paths, the hurtful words and actions that always ripped my dignity to shreds and the fact that he had successfully created a deep rooted hatred for me, in the hearts of youths, encouraging them to make my life a living hell.

It was his way of coping with her loss. He needed a source to pour his rage and what better target than the daughter of the man that killed your mother? He had developed a nickname for me, Black mamba. It was his way of viewing me as cold, heartless and unfeeling, putting on par with the highly venomous snake.

"Great way to ruin my evening, witch!" He gritted, shoving my back to the wall, making me cry out as a bone in my shoulder popped.

He gripped my mouth, forcing me to look him in the eye, ignoring the tears that brimmed in them, "I hate you, do you know that?"

I sniffled because the look in his eyes affirmed it. To him, I was the devil. Something he wanted to snuff the life out of but had to withhold himself from doing so.

"I'll never fucking forgive you, Soraya. You should have just died and not her." He spat me and I closed my eyes, feeling the spittle roll down my cheeks, with my tears.

I accepted all his curses and hates since I robbed him of his mother.

He let go of me, "get out of here!"

I scampered out of his sight, running as fast as I could towards the dungeons, the tears sliding down my cheeks. I found the dungeon guards outside and once they set their eyes on me, they brought out my chains, making me sniffle.

I extended my left hand and they cuffed it, dragging me down to my cell. I knew I had missed headcount and should brace myself for another day of no food.

The humid air mixed with sweat, the metallic scent of blood, wet concrete and rats, hit my nose and I sighed. I could hear the sound of water dripping, my chain rattling as I was led down the row of trembling offenders. My bare feet stepped on water, least surprising me. The dungeons tended to drop whenever it was winter.

We stopped in front of my dreary cell and I gulped. I could hear the sounds of insects crawling about and the squeaks of rats and dread filled my body. I had to endure another night of endless bites.

A guard shoved me in, seizing my chain to fasten me to a wall. He locked the door behind him, exiting. I made my way to the straw bed and laid on it, hissing at the dampness.

I felt something bite me and immediately jerked up, wincing at the stinging sensation. I looked around and found a scorpion scurrying away and muttered a curse word. I tucked my hair behind my ear, gripping my ankle tightly to stop the poison from spreading. Searching around, I found a little spike that I had kept by the edge of my straw bed for emergencies like this and used it to create a little hole on the swelling area, feeling the poison flow out through black blood.

I moaned in pain, feeling my injured leg grow numb a little. I swallowed my cry of pain, knowing it'd be healed by tomorrow. I hugged my knees to my chest, letting the tears drip down my face as I recalled how Luna Vivienne had always rang in my ear how important it was that I found my fated mate.

I could hear her voice repeating it to me, telling me everything would be okay, soothing my misery. I was old enough now so perhaps I could finally give invoking my wolf a chance. I had overheard that trying to invoke his wolf when a werewolf wasn't strong enough could kill yet it was a risk I was willing to take. I couldn't bear another night here.

Tonight, it’s the full moon. If my transformation would be successful, I'd be free.

I took deep breaths, folding my legs on my stew bed and looked up at the full-moon staring down at me. Closing my eyes, I prayed, "Dear moon-goddess, please let me meet my wolf. With a pure heart, I beg of you to grant me a wolf."

I felt a soft breeze brush my skin and paused, opening one eye to peep, wondering if it worked.

"Just breathe and never stop breathing no matter what happens." I heard a soft voice echo in my head.

I was still trying to process whatever I had just heard and decipher if I had lost my mind but a sharp pain that sent me crying out loud.

I heard a loud crack and I felt my bone snapped, I didn't understand what happened. Another series of cracks followed, echoing in the room while I cried out in pain.

I was shape-shifting!! Yes, but I almost died from that pain.

The intensity of the pain was making my mind spin, giving me no chance to breathe as my bones continued snapping.

I felt bile crawl up my throat and vomited, suddenly feeling feverish as I arched on my bed, sweating profusely. My hair clung to my body as I twisted and turned, hair covering my skin as my bones bent. I couldn't breathe.

No, I had to catch my breath. I wouldn’t die here like this. For the Luna, for myself, I must be strong and live on.

I had no idea how many hours had passed. A loud pop resounded inside me and I dropped to the floor, breathing heavily while wheezing. I was taking large gulps of air.

A sweet smell wafted through my nose, making my body tingle as jolts of electricity traveling down my spine. The divine mixture of earth and Vanilla had me wanting to desperately seek out the source of this delicious smell.

"You did good, Soraya." I heard the voice say again.

"W-who are you?" I barely audibly muttered, searching around erratically in confusion.

"I'm Paige, your wolf… and I can smell mate. He's around here, go to him." She spoke.

The golden sunlight steamed into the cell through the broken bars. A new day finally came.

"Go to mate." Paige urged again in excitement.